Yilan WMDD Carnival and Blood Test 宜蘭世界骨髓捐贈者日園遊會及驗血活動

Sanxing Township
17 Sep 2016

Product Description

1. The date of holding activities redeemable volume. You can participate in activities checkpoints in exchange for a small gift (water droplets tag).
2. It chorus shouting slogans – “to save a life lossless relies instead” invited the community together to support stem cell donation, give leukemia patients a chance.
3. Hematopoietic stem cells donated blood profiling (boot, commentary filling zone, review zone, blood area, packaging area, HUMANITIES Thanksgiving District – Dong Rong ceremony presentation)

Venue: Yilan iCake factory

No.369, Haishan W. Rd., Su’ao Township, Yilan County 270, Taiwan (R.O.C.)

We have foods, games, souvenirs, tea party and blood test. 08:30 AM ~14:00 PM

1. 當日持活動文宣兌換卷,參加闖關活動即可換取小禮物(水滴吊牌)。
3.造血幹細胞捐贈驗血建檔 (引導區、解說填表區、覆核區、抽血區、包裝區、人文感恩區-榮董茶道呈現)



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